Welcome to the official site of the Land Title Association of Alabama. We hope you find our site both helpful and informative. The members of LTAAL are continually working to develop a professional association that benefits its members and assists their customers in achieving the process of conveying their real estate interests. Through education and legislation, LTAAL strives to assist its members in making the transfer of real estate interest as efficient and economic as possible while adhering to the highest professional standards of our industry.
2025 REALTOR Day at the Capitol
2025 Legislative Session – Week 3
Member Highlight: Douglas R. Bachuss, Jr.
LTAAL Sponsors Alabama Probate Judges Conference
Mission Statement
The Land Title Association of Alabama (LTAAL) is an organization formed by and for the benefit of Alabama title agents, abstractors and other title professionals. We seek to connect our members by providing ongoing education and training which will promote exceptional title and abstract services. LTAAL will provide our members a pro-active voice in the State and Federal legislative process as well as provide employment opportunities for future professionals in our industry.