Call for Nominations
The Land Title Association of Alabama values the time and expertise that our many volunteers offer the association. LTAAL appreciates every committee member, board member, and all of our past leaders. It is the volunteers’ guidance that shapes LTAAL and the initiatives we take on. LTAAL is and remains grateful to these committed industry professionals.
Each year, LTAAL offers a Title Person of the Year Award, Professional Excellence Award, and a Volunteer of the Year Award. It’s our way of recognizing those volunteers that have “gone above and beyond” in the past year or to honor a longtime friend and advocate of the association.
If you’re not involved, you’re missing an opportunity to enhance both your personal and professional “self”. The time has arrived that many of you should be considering giving back to a profession that has served you well. The value of networking with your peers is immeasurable. The opportunity to mentor or be mentored is priceless!