LTAAL Sponsors Alabama Probate Judges Conference

The Land Title Association of Alabama sponsored the Alabama Probate Judges Association Meeting in Tuscaloosa at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Jan. 27-29. The three-day conference featured probate judges and chief clerks from nearly all of Alabama’s 67 counties.
The association sponsored the afternoon break before the one-hour real estate presentation on the last day of the meeting.
LTAAL was represented by LTAAL president-elect Lauren Malbrough of the Law Offices of David Condon, Attorney Mark Murphy of Andalusia, Tara Leiter of Queen City Title, Sean Culhane of The Security Title Guarantee Corporation of Baltimore and David Higginbotham of Westcor.
The delegation received a warm welcome from Chilton County Probate Judge Jason Calhoun, President of the judges’ group. Judge Calhoun introduced Lauren Malbrough to the group. Lauren spoke of the importance of a close relationship between probate judges and the title industry.
“We’re the ones digging around in your record rooms each day,” she said. “And the ones sending you all those recordings and recording fees.”
“Without you, no one can buy or sell a house in Alabama. No one can record a mortgage or deed,” she said. “Without you, we cannot function.”
During the break, the LTAAL delegation met several probate judges, including Jefferson County Judges Yashiba Blanchard and Jameria Moore, and Shelby County Probate Judge Allison Boyd, among others.
Our association’s purpose is to start establishing a close relationship with the judges and chief clerks, because they are such a vital part of our industry. According to LTAAL interim executive director Anna Batten, some long-term goals of supporting the APJA are developing consistent statewide indexing standards and calculation of filing fees as well as requiring the source of title to be recited on all deeds. She said that LTAAL would also like for all probate offices to notify homeowners when something is recorded on their property as is the custom in some other states.
Please email Anna at if you have other suggestions for the recording offices that this liaison committee can work toward.