2025 REALTOR Day at the Capitol

To further our initiative of forming a great relationship with Alabama Realtors, Lauren Marlbrough, Jeff Lees, April Smith, Mark Davis, Jason Forbus, Stephanie Burton and Justin Edwards represented LTAAL by attending 2025 Realtor Day at the Capitol on February 11th.  LTAAL was a Table Sponsor.  The day was spent hearing from a legislative panel, tort reform panel, and a real estate construction and banking panel which served to update the Realtors in attendance.  A common issue in our title industry, our group heard a panel focused on cybersecurity to educate Realtors about real estate scams, fraudulent listings and proactive steps Realtors can take to protect themselves and their clients.   After lunch and the keynote speaker, John Driscoll, CEO of the Alabama Port Authority, who discussed the state’s port operations and growth initiatives, our attendees then journeyed to the Capitol to watch our legislature in action as well as visit with their representatives in their offices. It was a great opportunity to piggyback on the Realtors designated lobby day so our legislators would have the opportunity to know who LTAAL is. The day wrapped up with a reception at the AAR’s Headquarters.  Thanks to our LTAAL members for attending and representing us so well.

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